The Savage Lands Roleplay Wiki

Cast []

In the beginning...[]

( Long time ago in ancient times there was this race of people who were far more advanced than the rest of the world. The people had technology that greatly surpassed the technology of the era. They were a highly intelligent race of people. They’ve built many great devices that historians now still believe to be impossible even in a world where the impossible is done every day. Though the people were so advanced they were millenniums before their time. The people had broken out into a civil war amongst the race; a faction believed they were better than the higher ups. The people tore themselves apart destroy much of the race and civilization that they were once the greatest of. One of their many great accomplishments was healing water that was so powerful it could bring back even the dead. The golden rule for these waters was that the person had 24 hours to be put in the water. After the 24 hour mark the water’s power would not work for the body. It is said that once the person is brought back from the water their body’s power is increased to that of a god. Very few know little of the whereabouts of this ancient waters, some say it still exist but others merely laugh and say it’s an old story parents tell their kids before bed time. BUT –Record skips- our story folks starts somewhere much more modern.

( Present Day New California 6:30 PM Cloudy Sky, Windy, Fair Temperature.

“Yo mister Yamashiro your uh…map thing or whatever is almost ready to be unveiled.” Would be the words of a security guard inside New California’s Museum of Natural History and Art. “I’ll have you know that ‘Map Thing’ has been in my family for generations! It is key to finding the lost healing waters of an ancient race of people.” Mr. Kito Yamashiro is a rather tall man for his old age. ( He has devoted his life to finding the ancient healing waters but with no such luck. Seeing as how he was becoming old Kito decided to denote his family’s map to the museum. As he walked up to the map cased inside a glass case his eyes sparkled a bit as he gazed upon it. “50 years and I still couldn’t find it…” Yamashiro sighed as he looked at his wrist watch, almost time for the people to come in." Tonight was also a big night for the museum, it was the night were big historians come and bid on many of the exhibits inside the museum. All of the money go to future exhibits and what not for the museum. Mainly because of thief and more secure reasons the museum has guards patrolling around the clock making sure that no one tries to steal the art. The biggest unveiling was indeed the map that Mr.Yamashiro brought to the museum. “Maybe someone will have far better luck than I ever had.”  Anyone who is anyone would be at the museum. The lobby was busy with people ranging from A-list movie actors, singers, and all around celebrities. The head of security for the museum sent out a help wanted ad for the security team weeks prior to the big event. The ad was sent out worldwide asking any individual who could lend a hand in the security of the museum. 

( Hovering above the city would be four helicopters one coming from the east, one from the north, one from the west, and one from the south. Each helicopter was carrying four men minus the pilots, each men held high powered assault rifles. There was one big burly buff man in the helicopter coming from the north. This man had tattoos on his face and a scar coming down the right side of his face. “Your mission is clear take the map and bring it back to headquarters.”  A voice rang out into the ear pieces of every men in every helicopter even the pilots. “Failure is not an option…if anyone gets in your way…kill them!” These men looked more paramilitary than anything each of them wore gas mask to cover their face. (

) “Don’t worry sir my team will see to it that we get your map” Said the commander of the squadron of soldiers. “Alright guys this is a simply grab and take I want four man on all sides of this build. North squad which is my helicopter will take the front we’ll come in first. I want the southern squad to take the rear. East and West, you two guys will take the sides. I want this place locked down! No one leaves without my say so. And you heard the boss, any resistance will be met with a bullet to the head! Any questions?...No? Alright then HAIL STRIKER!” All the men would yell back in their mics. “HAIL STRIKER!” And with that all the helicopters would slowly move in on the museum.

A jovial laugh pushed from her mouth and she smiled charmingly. Sneaux was undercover posing as one of the various rich people there. She had on a very sleek looking gown to fit her cover. A tiny dagger was strapped to the inside of her leg. Her hair was down in its lovely dark ringlets, hiding her pointed ears perfectly. She just looked like a human, but with a bit more flair and grace in her movements. Her green eyes looked happy, but underneath the outer mask, they were cold and calculating. She’d played the rich-girl card various times so nothing was quite new. The cold air in the lobby felt good to her skin, as did the excited atmosphere. She had spotted another person of interest like herself, but waved it off. If she was going to live up to her reputation in the black market, she’d be able to snag the map without to much trouble. Her employers had gone over the layout of the museum several times. Together they had mapped out several different scenarios. She liked a few of them, but in reality, after seeing the actual museum, she knew they wouldn't work out. So.. back to the drawing board her mind went. She kept her shoulders relaxed. Laughed at the right moments, frowned, smiled. So on so fourth. She just needed to keep on talking. Keep on earning a little bit of trust from the strangers. That would help. Defiantly..


D-100, you orders are as follows; protect the museum . There is an important unveiling going on and they are paying us a high price to see that it goes off without a hitch. D-100 nodded as her nano machine speaker implanted within her eardrum went silent, D-100 looked up from her lap the blue dress she was wearing was not her style, but her boss had her wear it to 'blend in.' (

) D-100 was out of combat forme, so 'Saya'; her normal personality was in control at the moment, the sweet king girl would never hurt a fly..until she transformed. Flat chested and a slight figure, she drew a few stares but she was nothing special, standing up she smacked her dress a few times to re-shape it and began to stroll around slowly, looking at the various works throught history, nothing she didn't already know about, or nothing she couldn't look up. Twirling a finger around a few strands of her blonde hair, Saya grabbed a glass of ice water off a nearby waitress and took a tiny sip of it. Staring at a display of what seemed to be old America, Saya stepped away from it and made her way over to the covered up exhibit. She and her higher-ups were not told what was in it, only that it was very valuable, and not protect it. The nano machines withing her body sparked to life again and the operator spoke once again. "Look lively D-100, I have a bad feeling about this... be ready to engage combat stance Model F at the drop of a dime." the male voice crackles through her systems. D-100 replied withing her body without the use of her mouth, "Alright, I'll be ready." She said simply taking another sip of her glass and her blue eyes scanned over the various people in her, most of them famous, she inwardly scoffed and rolled her eyes, these A-listers usually didn't care about the educational part of the museum, only getting their names out. Her eyes fell on a particularly regal looking girl with dark hair but D-100 dismissed her, she was here on a mission, and a mission being done meant down time for the cyborg, she may've been a robot but she was still human.

( Pulling up to the side of the museum would be an all-white maintenance van. As the van rode towards the side two guards would stop the van both of them holding their hands on the grip of their guns from their holsters. One of the guards would walk up to the driver’s side of the van waving a flashlight at the driver of the vehicle. “Aye wha’ ya think you doing guy?!” The light would shine down on the driver of the van wearing regular maintenance man attire a grey jump suit with a grey cap. The driver would look up showing his face to be none other than Izo Tachibana. Once Izo caught wind of a very expensive item coming into New California he knew he just had to take it, it’s kind of his thing. Izo winced as the light blinded him for a second then yelling back at the guard.” Whoa, whoa whoa!” He would block the light from his face with his right hand. “Don’t you got any respect for city workers huh? Geesh I come here trying to fix up they whole lighting system so you guys can look at the ugly exhibits!” The guard would look confused as he listened in on Izo. “Uh, I don’t remember anything about maintenance coming to fix no light…how I know you for real?” Izo pulled out some forged documents and hung it up to the guards face. “SEE that’s the city stamp come straight from the mayor himself so unless you wanna lose your jobs I suggest you guys step outta my way!” The guard’s eyes widen as he looked upon the fake sheet of paper then stepping aside and motioning the other guard to do the same thing. “Sorry sir the museum’s breaker is just around back. I’ll let the guards in the back know as well.” Izo would nod then smirk to the guard who he just fooled into letting him slip in the museum as he pulled off. “Thanks a bunch.” He would wave then parking the van in the back of the museum. Izo would hop out grabbing a bag that looked like it could be a tool box. Thing is this toolbox wasn’t holding any tools at all. Inside the box was Izo’s thieving clothes which he wore on all his heist. He got out the van closing it behind him as he would walk up to the back door which had two guards posted up right there as well. Both guards were armed with semi-automatic pistol and a taser gun, which all of the guards in the museum were armed with as well except those who were hired through the ad they were responsible for their own weaponry.  Izo would nod to the guards assuring them that he was the maintenance man that the earlier guard was calling in to let them know about. Soon as Izo walked in he would see the door which leads to the museum’s event. Just then he would make his to the Museum’s breaker box which controlled the power to the museum. He would get on one knee then place a sticky emp on the break set to exactly forty minutes in which it will blow and cut off power in the whole museum. Izo would walk off then head to the restroom of the building. From inside he would lock the door and begin to start changing.

( Around the same time Izo was placing the emp Mr.Yamashiro was standing aside to his map case which was under its tarp. He looked at his watched as it was about 6:58 and time to unveil his knew addition to the museum. He would look to the head of security then nod to him as the head would nod back. Speaking in a deep voice the head of security would gather the attention of the people of the event. “If you would kindly advert your attention to Mr.Kito Yamashiro!” The crowd would clap as they looked towards Kito. Yamashiro would smile to the guest of the museum. “Since being a young boy growing up in my family’s humble home I’ve always been in love with the stories of ancient civilizations gone from this world. Just the thought of something so prosperous just up and disappear out of thin air one would assume of course. But I didn’t believe so I devoted 50 of my long years chasing those stories…But now I give you this map.” He would say as he pulled the tarp off the case where the map was being held. “This map may in fact hold the key to the a very special type of waters which heal and increase the power of the person to something like an immortal…a god!” He would smile as he watched the crowd clap softly. “Well then…I know why some of you are here. To bid on some exhibits!” He would say laughing a bit. 

Only a Map?!?![]

( )

A pretty well groomed man came over to D-100 after he'd been eyeing her. Slinking over to the cyborg he draped his arms around her shoulder and tried to pull her close to hi, but D-100 remained rigid, and unmoving. Her cyborg enhancements rendering her very heavy to normal humans. "Whaoh, haha you're a strong one." He laughed, but Saya didn't find it so amusing. The normally shy Saya was in control right now and she was nervous. "D-100 relax, right now." The operator demanded and D-100 took a deep breath and nodded smiling up at him, showing her white teeth, "It's interesting isn't it? History?" He nodded and leaned down close to her ear and whispered "Not as interesting as you." Yep no. D-100 untangled herself from him and shook her head losing him in the crowd. Sighing she looked back up at the veiled exhibit. As Yamashiros voice began to boom throughout the hall D-100's internal communication pooped up and her operator spoke. "D-100. It's starting remain on your toes." He commanded, and she nodded. "_Yes Sir." She responded back, turning her attention towards the man. “Since being a young boy growing up in my family’s humble home I’ve always been in love with the stories of ancient civilizations gone from this world. Just the thought of something so prosperous just up and disappear out of thin air one would assume of course. But I didn’t believe so I devoted 50 of my long years chasing those stories…But now I give you this map.” He would say as he pulled the tarp off the case where the map was being held. “This map may in fact hold the key to the a very special type of waters which heal and increase the power of the person to something like an immortal…a god!” He would smile as he watched the crowd clap softly. “Well then…I know why some of you are here. To bid on some exhibits!” He would say laughing a bit. She groaned a map? That's it. A map to nowhere? "Oh come on, it's a map. Can we go now?" She said to the unnamed voice that was currently employing her "Nope." he said back. "If that map is what I think it is someone will try to steal it. So hold your position."_ She groaned and watched as everyone around gave a nervous laugh and began to prepare themselves for the bidding war, D-100 moved away from the crowd to lean against a pillar, her blonde hair spilling into her face as she sighed gently. "I hate boring things!" she said as she puffed her cheeks out and crossed her arms over her chest as her operator chuckled.

Sneaux smiled and made a well placed comment. The group she was with laughed near hysterically, then together they moved to go get a look at the map. Her eyes traced the cases. The security. the map itself. She.. needed a replacement.. just for the time being. With a nod she made up her mind and walked over to the man who had spoke and unveiled the piece. “Evening sir, I was wondering, is this the only Map you have uncovered? Or, are there more? I’m afraid it is the whole reason I came out tonight, you see, I

( The guest were standing around as workers in the museum started bringing out the museum’s more expensive pieces and exhibits. The first one was a solid gold statue of a once great Japanese god. A man would come out holding a microphone to his mouth and a rather tacky afro wig to boot. He wore clothes that was rather…eccentric at best.  He had a sort of confidence in him that made people either happy about themselves or just plain creeped out. (

) He came out speaking into the microphone which was a bit loud. “WELL! Welcome to the Museum’s first annual auctionnnn!!! I’m am your Bid director Ned Jackson but just call me Mr.Awesome!” The guest directed their attention towards the man most of them giggled under their breath while the others were star struck by his utterly strange appearance. He moved in a cartoonish comic like way as he walked towards the first piece up for bidding. “We have here a priceless golden statue of one of the many Japanese gods!” ( “Not much is known about this fella here but he sure could be a useful addition to your living rooooom! Or…” He said in more sensual voice. “You’re love roommm. Price starting at 10,000 Tanz!” “20,000!” Would be someone shouting out from the crowd. “NO 40,000!” Would be a woman again from the crowd. “40,000 DO I HEAR A 50 ANYONE???” Ned would yell out.

While the auction was going on Mr.Yamashiro would still be standing next to the display of his map then hearing someone come up to him he would turn to the side and see a young lady who look splendidly beautiful. “Evening sir, I was wondering, is this the only Map you have uncovered? Or, are there more? I’m afraid it is the whole reason I came out tonight, you see, I’m very intrigued.” He would smile and chuckle before rubbing his chin hair. “Ah, good evening to you to. Well you see the map doesn’t necessarily lead directly towards the hidden water but it indeed points towards the right direction.” He would look back to the map. “I myself never had the right resources to actually uncover many of the clues to the map which often times kept me stuck on certain places and ended up back tracking.” He sighed then turned back to the girl. “Ah I’m sorry I do believe I’ve taken myself off track, as to any other maps. Nope this is the only one I’ve had as I said before it’s been in my family many years.” 

( With twenty left minutes on the clock for the emp to blow out the breaker and cut off the lights for the museum, Izo was in his thief clothing. The clothing he wore on the torso of the suit is a red flak jacket which is able to withstand high caliber bullets and even the sharpest of blades. Under the flake jacket is a sweat jacket which allows him to move more freely which is layered with Kevlar. The legs would be the same material joggers. He usually wears black boots whenever he wears his outfit. Izo also had his snake fang gloves on.  These gloves were given to Izo by his foster guardian and sensei in the snake arts. The tips are dipped in snake venom. Izo of course keeps a bottle of cure around him for safe keeping. He would look down to the corner of the restroom which he was in was a ventilation shaft fit for a full grown human male. He would pry it open with the added strength of his chi then climb inside and run the shafts. “Shit…I probably shoulda got the schematics of the place before I started this shit.”

( The choppers were closing in! The first one to reach the museum would be the southern chopper. The two guards posted out back would look at the chopper with confused looks on their face. “What the he-“ Before he could get his last word out a bullet would go straight through his head and the blood would splatter all over the wall. The guard next to him would scramble to reach for his firearm but was too late as another bullet would fly through his head killing him instantly. The bullet was coming from the sniper on the chopper who was looking over the back entrance of the museum. Meanwhile back in the command room for all the security of the museum the head of security would radio in on the two guards posted outside. “Back team how is it going? Over” He would wait for a response which didn’t happen then ask again. “Back team come in! Over” As he didn’t get a response he would radio in for D-100. “Hey D-100 it seems the guards in the back radio might not be working how about you go back there and check it out for us please, over.” Back outside the southern team would come down from ropes off the chopper landing to the ground with their rifles in hand. All four of them were carrying high caliber assault rifles along with flash bangs and high grade grenades. The four of them would move towards the door two on one side two on the other side. The leader of the four would radio in to the commander of north chopper. “South team on ground and secure. Both east and west team would hover over the museum with the north team finally making it to the ground. The leader of the whole operation was in different armor. His armor was more bulky and stronger than the others. His face was covered up by his mask but you could just tell by the look of his armor he was the leader. The guard in front of the museum would look towards them holding out their guns. “Hey stand down!” The paramilitary man would shoot down the guards using their suppressors on their rifles letting off little to no noise and not alerting the people inside. “Alright let’s do this…” Was the words of the leader of the operations. Just then the emp would go off and the lights would power would cut off in the whole museum which also cut off communication between the security team. 

Trouble at the Museum![]

Saya was so wrapped up in watching the bidding, at first she didn't hear them calling her, her public radio crackled to life, this was the unsecured channel that was given to whomever she was employed by, so they could contact her in the event they notice something operations didn't. “Hey D-100 it seems the guards in the back radio might not be working how about you go back there and check it out for us please, over.” She pushed off the statue and began to make her way to the back of the museum. "Alright, I'm on my way." They were probably taking a coffee break this wasn't the first time a team had slacked on their end of a deal.  while she walked her operator sprung to life and began barking orders into D-100's system. "D-100 Activate combat stance, multiple chopper have begun closing in on the perimeter and I want you ready for combat now!" Saya shook her head and picked up the front of her dress and began sprinting towards the back exit. Kicking the door in to find them all unconscious, D-100'd operators patched into her eyes and she surveyed the scene for them. They're dead, both of them. I should head back to warn-" D-100 was cut off mid sentence as the lights flickered out. "D-100 I WANT YOU IN MODEL S STANCE NOW!" She nodded as the mechanism in her neck whirled making the Model P Key the Main Model.

( )

BIO Link Established, Stance Model S Online. D-100 said as her voice shifted and her body shone with  white light, as her body's readjusted itself to Model . Model S has a mostly purple coloration and a hexagonal shape, parting at the top middle and its jewel is roughly half as long as its body with the face showing a white visor, similar to a mask. The helmet features a white face guard that extends beyond the helmet. It also generates a tattered red cloth as well. The gauntlets are also different, being colored wholly yellow instead and can open up to allow the user to operate its energy weapon Which is a throw-able energy Shuriken/Kunai. Like with the other models, D-100 Looses its daggers. This model is for stealth missions it can scale walls and see in complete darkness, and can move silently Model S can also hang on ceilings and platforms via a claw in each wrist guard. Model S special ability is Radar Scope. While playing as Model S, the Visor screen will display a map of the surroundings with enemies and targets marked with exclamation marks. D-100 can attack these enemies by aiming at the exclamation marks.

D-100 opened her eyes from the switch over into combat stance and looked around, finding herself suddenly surrounded by four men, D-100 quickly took a combat stance, by spreading her legs apart, right foot in front of the left shoulder length apart. she let her hands hang down limply between her spread legs as her eyes scanned the situation. Her gauntlets glowed a soft blue as she began to store electric energy in a small node right over the hand. Her voice had switched from a soft girlish voice to a metallic monotone voice. This was the killing machine known as D-100 Scanning...subject identified, subject deemed to be hostile. Beginning termination protocol. D-100 said out loud as she stared blankly at them. D-100 waited a beat before the blue light would shift and bend, eventually forming into a 4-pointed shuirken. It was about, 2 feet across from point to point. D-100's energy shurikens began to twirl in place held by the small node. They made a whistling sound as D-100 suddenly swung both her arms in front of her and the shurikens were released traveling at a speed of about 65 MPH, the speed of a baseball thrown will full force. They flew towards the two in front, and if they'd make contact the surely would've been cut in half by the energy blades. If they missed the blades would turn in a very wide arc similar to a boomerang and return to the D-100 Model. While the energy blades where Flying around she remained silent, but kept her eyes on the men.

( The south team looked as the cybernetic type female came out from the door they were posted up by. “Scanning...subject identified, subject deemed to be hostile. Beginning termination protocol.” Is what they heard all guns were pointed up towards her soon as she threw off the first shuriken the men would open fire on the female. Each bullet flying 1500 fps (feet per second) the two of the soldier did a combat roll out the way of the shuriken and watched as it went back to the girl. The group leader out the four would switch his lens and examine her body. “She’s a cyborg! FOCUS FIRE KEEP THE PRESSURE ON HER!” He would radio in for his commanding officer. “Sir we’ve come in on some complications! We’ve got a cyborg here!” The lead commander of the operation would listen in. “Damnit, hold her off until we secure the map…” The commander grew annoyed then pointed to the entrance of the museum. “GO GO GO! West and East team move in!” At that time they would kick down the door aiming their guns at the guest of the museum then turning on their night vision lens from inside their helmets. The teams on both side of the museum would crash through the windows of the building on ropes connected to the helicopters. “EVERY HANDS UP!” The guest would yell as they were frightened from all the guns and yelling. The guards who were in the room were shot down on sight by the soldiers. The man commander would walk through. “We just want the map no one has to die tonight.” Yamashiro would look towards the case as he was shocked to see that it was gone. “Its…its gone!” He was both confused and at a lost for words. “Someone must have stolen it already!” The commander was not in the mood for pity thieves coming and taking his own item which he needed to take. “Alright seems we got someone in here who got sticky fingers.” The men would point at the guest of the museum. Each minute I don’t have that map we’ll execute a guest!” The people would yell out in fear.

Back in the vents! Izo noticed that the power was off in the building which meant the emp worked. “Great!” At this time he got to the vent that hovered over the main room. As he looked down he would see the paramilitary men holding up guest and the map was indeed gone. “Got damn it! Who got to it first?” He said under his breath as he watched the whole situation unfold. He had to find out who had the map exactly all while looking through the vent. “Damn which of you got it?”

D-100 bent her legs under her, and jumped into the air, barely dodging the hail of bullets aimed at her. Raising up about 15 feet into it, the spinning shuriken seemed to melt and turned into a claw like construct. Sticking her arm out behind her as her body began to fall she dug the claw into the building behind her, causing it to become stuck in the wall of the building. Suspended 14 feet above the 4 men D-100 raised her right hand out towards the, Model P can hang on ceilings and platforms via a 3 pronged claw in each wrist guard. However D-100 was only using the claw feature on her left gauntlet. Crossing her right arm over her chest the spinning blue shiruken suddenly stopped spinning. It seemed to melt away however the blue energy did no dissipate. Instead it returned to the node on her gauntlet, and it glowed brightly. A small ball of that same blue energy floated out of the gauntlet just like the shuriken that had formed. Straightening her arm out, she pointed it towards the middle of the men. Her Metallic voice ringing out one Again. "Stop resisting. You will be eliminated." D-100 said to them, her mind was already calculating on her next attack. The blue ball began to fire thousands of tiny needles in their direction in a cone shape. They'd spread out in a 4 foot diameter at the base, with the vertex emanating from D-100's wrist. The needles themselves had the same properites of the shuriken, but each needle was 6 inches long and a thin as a pencil with sharpened tips. D-100 would rapid fire this barrage of needles towards them, with a high velocity of just short of 30 Feet per second at them. She continued the barrage until they'd move out of range or were, caught. If they mvoed out of her base's range she cease the volley and turn the ball into the same claw as her left hand and scale the building, until she reached the roof.

Sneaux quickly found the director man and lightly put her hands on his arm. “S—Sir is.. is that you?” she questioned, knowing full well who it was already. She was still going to play the frightened history junkie. Her face was perfectly composed with a mix of curiosity, fright, and vulnerability. She knew how to spin a tale. She swallowed and blinked. Okay.. so threatening to kill people.. that was not good. She.. couldnt think. This heist wasn’t to hard.. but for once in her life, she was actually at a stand still. Well, not really, but it was rather hard to think.

( As soon as D-100 clung to the wall two of the soldiers would switch their rifles from bullets to grenade launching, they both would shoot two grenades at D-100. Once the grenades would impact on anything they would explode causing a massive explosion destroying anything in their wake living D-100 with the option to rely on her armor to get her through the blast or simply move out the way of the blast.  As they did this the other two would continue firing on D-100 then they saw her starting to shoot out energy like bullets at them they would scatter and find better cover. One of the soldiers weren’t lucky enough to get out the way as the last three would be behind cover. One would be firing from behind a wall, another from behind a large metal sign, and one behind the van Izo parked just outside. “Bring the chopper back  around!” The lead of the southern team would radio in as he was supplying suppressive fire on D-100.

“Sir it seems we’ve lost a soldier and the southern team is taking heavy fire.” One of the soldiers inside the main room would say to the lead commander of the whole operation. “Damn it!” He grew irritated and needed a way to get the map. “That’s it we’ll just shoot all of you down instead.” He would look towards the soldiers. “Mow em down! Shoot em in the head we don’t want them to fuck up the map.” He would say as the men would all aim towards the guest and begin cocking their guns back.

Uh, oh, it seems Sneaux’s choice to steal the map has landed her and the guest in hot shit. She can choose to save the people and give up the map or If she notices off to the right in the corner right next to her is a fire alarm, if she pulls it the water would come down. The choice is Sneaux’s of course.

Sneaux hesitantly glanced around, like she was looking at the men, like the rest of the frightened guests. Then, she noticed something. A fire alarm. Close to her. She used what was left of her lingering spirit energy to quickly make a dash for it. Her hand pressed down on it, and the alarm started to shrilly cry. She cursed and made a run for it, to any other part of the museum but here. She needed them to follow her- to get them away from the innocent people. Down a hall. Into a room. Down another hall. Hiding. She pulled out her phone and quickly called someone. An old… friend… Axel. She tried to slick some water off her as she waited for the ringing to start. Her now ruined gown was stuck tight to her, but luckily didn't reveal the map, or her thief suit. Her once plump curls were now plastered to her head. Great. She bet she looked like complete crap. “So much for a date.” she sighed, trying a bit at useless humor, since no one else was around.

( )

D-100 wasted no time in jumping off the wall once they began switching their weapons to grenade launchers. Pushing herself off the wall she flew directly over their heads, as she was traveling through the air the mechanism in her neck began to whirl, changing the main key from Model P to Model F. "BIO Link Established, Stance Model F Online, Model F Offline." A bright flash of light would surround D-100 as her nanomachines worked quickly to change her body's build. Model F in Biometal form possesses a very blocky form with an orange coloration, two yellow large protrusions running perpendicular of one another that cover the front and back and a guard that covers the jewel in the center. In this form, it gives the user orange colored armor with a head guard similar to the one found on the Biometal and two upward forward-facing horns, resembling the lower canines of a dragon. Model F makes use of the Knuckle Busters, and is good in both long-ranged and melee combat within close rage D-100 can use her fists as a kind of brass knuckles, only within close range does this allow this model to move fast but once the target leaves D-100 range she cannot chase them effectively. The Knuckle Busters can fire upwards as well as sideways. Attacks and abilities specific to this Model include the Megaton Crush, which only needs a half-charge, a large fireball attack, and Ground Break. Ground Break is needed to get some blocks that are in the way to certain areas. Model F's Buster Edit skill allows an individual path to be set for both Knuckle Busters' shots. When not in used, the Knuckle Busters are stored in a special socket attached to the back of the D-100 Unit. Model F is very slow, but very Durable while the D-100 model can perform melee combat in this from her speed in limited, this Model prefers long range combat with it's multiple firing modes(Sniper, Rapid, Spreading, Stun Etc.) When the light faded D-100 would've changed her Model P for Model F

D-100 would twist her body in the air, simultaneously pulling knuckle busters off her back and positioning herself with her Knuckle Busters facing downwards toward the ground. Her retinal visor picked up life forms behind a steel sign and a car. The sudden weight increase would cause the until to drop like as tone towards the ground. When she landed D-100 performed a Ground Breaker. The Model F will hit the ground and make a ring of flame around the unit. Or the until will holds his arms together and fires three rings in different angles. As she landed not only would she create a crater, flames would erupt from the center of her Knuckle Busters when the until landed she displaced the air around the flames causing them to spread out from her in a circular pattern. As the ring of flame flew out from the unit, she stood up. The debris from the explosions raining down on her, unflinching she watched as the flame spread. The flame itself was 1370 degrees C (2500°F). More than enough to melt steel. As it hit the car and sign, they'd melt. Unless the men behind them moved, or avoided the flame they'd be left with severe burns. D-100 then turned to the one hiding behind the wall and wasted no time in unloading on the wall not bothering to move due to Model F's limited movement.

Unleashing D-100's Knuckle Buster which was a  Basic energy shot, very weak but effective in combat for weaker opponents. Can also be shot at different angles, each one causing a small explosion when they land on a nearby surface. The small balls of flame energy would continuously hit the wall and cause small explosions. These particular balls of flame were only 100°F. The energy balls would not be enough to cause the wall to melt, but D-100 was not trying to melt the wall down, only small portion of it. By concentrating all her fire into the one spot of the wall; where the solider was D-100's fireballs would cause the wall to heat up and eventually break, and if the solider didn't move before the a hole in the wall was broken his body would be assaulted by these small energy balls casing burns of the 2nd and 3rd degree burns all over it. "Power level at 78%, Vital signs remain optimal. Slight Damage to cranium. Proceeding with Termination Protocol." Her metallic voice rang out, as the red machine looked over the battle field her blue eyes analyzing everything, catching every movement.

( The grenade would hit on impact causing a hole to be blown on the side of the museum. The men watched as the cybernetic woman started to change and transform. "BIO Link Established, Stance Model F Online, Model F Offline." Is what they heard then suddenly the chopper was inbound this was around the time D-100 changed into its new form. Soon as the chopper came in the pilot would focus rockets onto D-100 then fire off one of those rockets. These rockets were heat seeking and targeting D-100 exclusively! Another rocket was aimed at the museum towards the main hall. The men on the ground would see the flames heading their way soon as this happened they would fall back still firing at D-100 from a far. The rocket aimed towards the museum would be moving at high speeds the cyborg would have to move fast in order to save all who was inside of the museum. At this time the men were retreating inside their chopper. D-100 had the choice to either stop the rocket headed for the museum or chase after the bad guys. 

( Just as the soldiers were about to open fire on the people Izo’s eyes widen. “Oh shit…” But then someone caught his eyes a girl she rung the alarm for the museum which went off. “She has to have the map!” He would watch her make a break for it then he started to shimmer off towards the direction she was going keeping up with her through the vents then finally finding him in the same as her. “He smirked then kicked the vent open and rolling out of the vent crashing into a couple boxes. “Off!” He would quickly get up and look towards her seeing her all wet. “Well then, I’d like that map please. You see this is my heist and all you guys are kinda getting in my way.”  Of course when she pulled the alarm the leader of the soldiers would witness this. “She has the map after her.” He would point in her direction as four men would run after her aiming their guns at her as she left the room. The leader would point towards the rest of the soldiers. “You all make sure no one leaves this museum, whoever tries to play the hero…kill them!” With that he would follow behind the four that went after the girl. //Back with Izo and Sneaux// “I mean you can either hand it to me or have to deal with those guys out there…I might could keep you safe.” He smirked and winked his eye at her with his right hand opened showing his snake fanged glove. He would then stop and hear the boots of the men running in their direction. “C’mon cutie we ain’t got all day big guys with big guns coming this way.”

As his phoned ringed Axel would be in his traven in Fox Keep resting away his long day yesterday in peace, as he first heard the ring he turned over in his bed. There where only two people who had his phone number the late Dr. Takeda and the girl he met yesterday. /-Flash back-/ -Meanwhile inside the Priest Bunker- Axel was tied up inside the Base it seemed after the fight with Trigon he was taken by the goody Priest. : Man oh man dont freak out we can get out of this young blood..: These where the words of Lucifer speaking inside Axel's head as he was tied up, " Dont call me that!.. Alright I did the thing with Trigon now release me from this pit!" : Trust me this isnt a pit but alright then..: Lucifer would simply nod before Axel would find himself near something called Fox keep, What Axel didn't know was Lucifer was immune to the bunker seeing him and his brother Michael where once living their together. Axel would soon look around as he shaked his head " So what now?" : I dont know it's your life son I would think you should find your own path til then I wont talk sooo bye..: " Great...." Axel would say looking around Fox Keep before walking inside a Cabin filled with people he would walk over to the bar before speaking " Glass of water and two ice cubes please.." Axel would say before getting his drink chugging down the water like it was nothing. Axel was so confused with his life what could he do? he thought to himself as he sat at the bar.

Sneuax sighed a pocketed the odd stone. She stretched her arms far above her head before getting up. She had a headache, and was going for one of the best cures. Alchol. She smiled to herself and straightened her clothes before turning to walk towards the elevator. Everything was crisp looking. Pristine. She liked it here. Life was easy. She pushed the button once inside and waited. Yep. Waited waited waited. Finally the doors opened and she lazily strolled out. A few of the younger recruits watched her with peaked interest. She was one of the best and most successful people within the Fox Keep organization. She slid into an empty seat at the bar. The bar tender glanced at her and quickly wiped her up her normal pineapple flavored drink. She thanked him quietly and took a deep drink. Her pale pink lips puckered for a few seconds at the sudden bombardment of flavors. He’d done something different to it this time. “Damn. You changed it. I like it.” She told him. He smirked at her and went back to doing his job and dealing with other customers.

Axel eyes would turn towards an group of men heading inside the Cabin going towards an table that was taken by an female who just came herself.(Your RPC) " You think you can steal from the lions and get away with it!" One of the men out of the six of the group he himself would pull out an gun pointing it towards her as the people in the bar would began to back away from the sisuation Axel just stood calm seeing his table was right next to hers. " Well bitch?! Hand us what you stole NOW!" If she wouldnt one of the men would attempt to slap her off the seat if this would happen Axel would soon stand before looking at the group " That's enough Whatever she stole from you gives you no right to put your hands on a female.." : Oh? Really and what are you going to do about it you punk bitch!" The male would say now pointing the gun at Axel who had not one bit of fear in his eyes which was scaring the group more than the person at gun point. " Im going to ask you again..Please*BOOM*" Before Axel could even finish the male would pull the trigger as he would shoot Axel in the head a clean shot as his body would land hard on the ground the group would began to laugh out loud seeing they thought it was over but they soon brought their attettion back to the girl " Well where is our shit?

She glanced back and took a sip of her drink. Her eyes drifted down to the man on the floor. Her right eye twitched slightly and she sighed. “Why must you brutes always have to kill people? Its.. annoying.” She remarked and turned her seat. Her eyes were bright and her head was tilted. Her hair shifted as she did, and her ears slightly poked out from hiding. A sliver of a smile ghosted her lips as she looked the man with the gun dead in the eyes. “What I stole wasn’t even yours to begin with.. so.. I suggest you take your quarrel up with the original owners.” She replied. If they were to strike her, or attempt to shoot her, she had a plan. Since she heard the guys come in, she’d been preparing her spiritual energies. She could move at super-human like speeds. Be able to doge out of the way of the swing. After dodging, she’d planned to quickly hit a few pressure points in the man’s body to make him drop the gun, which she would then pick up. Then she’d simply jump behind the bar and turn to lean on the counter, to challenge them while playing with the gun. Theses guys seemed to be just thugs. And, the sooner they left, the quicker she’d be able to help the poor guy out for the count on the floor.

"FUCK IT DIE BITCH!" As the male shot he soon saw the female herself dodge out of the way before she had pressed his points in his body that caused him to drop the gun, as she hoped over the counter the rest of the five men would open fire in the bar towards her. The raining of gun fire would cause everyone and their moms to run the hell out of there as they were all paying attention to her none of them noticed Axle's head healing to the point where the bullet that was pushed into his brain was shot back out as the hole in his head slowly closed back, he would soon quickly sit up from the ground watching the men open fire. (

<- Like this) As he was fully up he would quickly send an flying kick into the back of one of the men sending them over the bar as the others would now notice Axel it would be far too late as he began to fight them off left to right, sending punches, kicks and throws. " This is such a drag I swear.." Axel would say moving towards Sneuax postion as he would speak " Whatever you stole give it back it's not worth you life.." He would say in a firm commanding voice as he hear the roars of other cars pulling up to the bar, this time a group of 30 would be outside holding on to their guns.// Flash Back over-// His thoughts where soon turned off by The phone that contiunued to ring.. " Ah.. Fuck!" He shouted as he picked up placing the phone to his ear " This is Axel."

She heard the other line pick up. Crap. She couldn't talk now.. it would be bad. So.. Instead, she muted him, by way of memory, and turned it on speaker. So He could hear. He’d head someone crashing down onto some boxes, from the vents. The same guy would then be saying “Off!” and then soon after that..“Well then, I’d like that map please. You see this is my heist and all you guys are kinda getting in my way.”… then some other shouting and yelling, and lets not forget the fire alarms screaming their little speakers deaf. Apparently the guy who was talking to her still wasn't done, because he continued on to say  “I mean you can either hand it to me or have to deal with those guys out there…I might could keep you safe.” and then finally after hearing several pairs of thundering boots “C’mon cutie we ain’t got all day big guys with big guns coming this way.” Finally. He was done talking. She really had hoped Axel heard all of it. Now.. she just needed to stall. To stall. “Did you just.. call me cuite?” She replied, her voice measured and giving out the perfect tone of disbelief. “Ugh..” She sighed and rubbed her face with her free hand. “Now, just because I pulled the alarm, does not mean I have this.. this map.” She continued. “Come on, if I did, wouldn't I try and leave this place rather than coming deeper into the uh..” she paused and looked around, “The Old map room that’s under repair? You seem to not know a whole lot about the museum..” She frowned now. She really was hoping it came over smoothly over the phone. Her eyes darted to the door and she swallowed. Two parties wanting the map. One was offering help, the other was threatening to execute hostages. Both.. seemingly still unknown. She had traveled extremely light. The Keep promised they’d have someone near incase things got sticky, but apparently.. that wasn't it either.

( )

D-100's retinal scanners picked up the debris and she let her armor do her work for her. D-100's armors were all made of Reverbiumexrite. This is an artificial variant to Vibraniumxrite created by Sajani Jaffrey in Esper laboratories, after most of the world's Vibranium was limited to only the shores of Wakanda. This variant is imperfect, so rather than absorbing vibrations, it does the opposite, and blows everything away, making it a powerful weapon even in small amounts.  Whereas Vibrainiumxrite absorbs all forms of energy, and disperses it via the molecular structures vibrations and renders all outside force useless,  The Reverbiumexrite, can repel kinetic, heat, impact, centrifugal, and corporeal forms of energy/mass, sending it backwards with the same amount of force that was applied. Hitting the metal of the cyborg is the equivalent to hitting a trampoline, except being blown back by force of input. The D-100MK II model is built with this metal as it’s layer of wired muscle, and a very thick layer of dermal skin on the outside. The impact from the debris would bounce  the rubble off D-100's armor in the opposite direction of impact. D-100 would aim her Knuckle Busters at the missiles and planted her feet into the ground she charged up her energy, before releasing again this time releasing a Megaton Crush. D-100 will perform a Megaton Crush. In Megaton Crush, D-100 fires a flame the runs along the ground. If the Flame touches a wall, it will continue its attack up the wall.  However D-100 was using it as a high-powered flamethrower, sending waves of fire at the missiles aimed at her and the museum. If the flames hit the missiles they'd explode in the air, destroying them and raining hot metal down from the sky. If D-100 missed her flamethrower she'd point her knuckle busters down at the ground and use the propulsion to rocket herself into the air. Using the heavy weights of her armor she'd twist into the missile. Punching it upwards and falling back to the ground, crating another crater, where she was faced with a choice.*"Subjects fleeing scene, on foot, a chopper is outbound fleeing also. What is recommended course of action?"* The unit asked her operator who hesitated on the answer. "Take down the chopper. The police will more than likely catch the ones on the ground."

D-100 nodded as she changed yet again, her metallic voice ringing out clearly "BIO Link Established, Stance Model H Online, Model F Offline." Model H is shaped into an isosceles trapezoid with a dent in the middle, giving it a pseudo H shape. Its color scheme consists of varying shades of green and its face is located at the bottom with a gold round lining at the top where the red crystal lies. When in this form, the user dons green armor which features a winged helmet akin to a bat and a pair of wings whose energy constructs form a similar shape, Both boosters on the helmet can be used in conjunction together as powerful boosters. Model H has two swords, one is long, and other one is short. Model H was built for Arial combat. The boosters on the helmet allow D-100 to fly through the air at insane speeds unrestricted. Like with her other models, D-100 looses her dagger but they are replaced with triangular energy swords, the left one being twice the size of the right one. D-100 Also gives up her Durability, for Speed. This is the fastest model but it's armor is very fragile, but still maintains its Reverbium properties on a weaker scale. D-100 gave a light hop off the ground before the boosters on her head and back boosters roared to life, giving off a purple energy and she took off into the air, just about the speed of sound that shattered any and all glass nearby. As the until flew through the air, she drew 2 energy swords from compartments in her tights. They were triangular energy swords, the left one being twice the size of the right one. D-100 can adjust the size of each blade independently. The left blade was about 4 feet long and the right blade 2 feet. D-100 would approach the chopper and hold her swords on either side of her body she'd attempt to cut the tail boom of the chopper. (This is the part of the chopper that connects the tail rotor to the rest of it. ) If D-100 scuessfully cut it pff the chopper both ends would go plummeting down the ground. If she missed D-100 would make a extremely tight  U-Turn and come back trying to cut it off again.

( “Did you just.. call me cutie?” Izo would smirk then hearing her begin to speak. “Now, just because I pulled the alarm, does not mean I have this.. this map. Come on, if I did, wouldn't I try and leave this place rather than coming deeper into the uh..” Izo eye brow raised as she paused in her speech then began to speak again. , “The Old map room that’s under repair? You seem to not know a whole lot about the museum..” Izo would begin to speak but the soldiers were just down the hallway when he heard. “There she is shoot her!” Just then they would begin to fire upon Sneaux all four of them began to rain bullets down upon her. Izo saw this coming so just before they could even pull the trigger Izo would jump and tackle her out the way. “Watch it!”  He would pull her to the ground just out the way of the onslaught of gun fire. Just then he would pick himself up off the ground then hold his hand out to her in an attempt to help her off the ground. If she accepted his help he would point to a door which seemed to lead out of the museum. “This way it looks like a way out.” If Sneaux decided to follow Izo the two would run down a series of corridors then out through the side exit of the building.

Meanwhile back outside with D-100 the first missile which was aimed at D-100 was shot by her attack and explode in mid-air causing a huge explosion (,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/k5krfu4agotprfzkscvd.gif). The helicopter would be jerked back a bit by the wave of the explosion but the pilot would regain control. At this time D-100’s attempt to stop the second missile headed for the museum would be futile as she now would have to get up close and personal with it. At this time soon as she was reach of the missile the pilot would press a button on the dashboard of the chopper then the missile would explode releasing a hidden high powered emp wave towards D-100. Once the wave came in contact with D-100 it would render her circuitry off balance and immobilize D-100 completely. This of course was not permanent just long enough for the chopper to leave the scene. As this happened D-100 would crash down onto the roof of the museum landing on her back laying there out of commission. In the helicopter the lead of north team would radio into his commanding offer back in the museum. “Sir we lost a man and are falling back. By the looks of it the police are also inbound coming through the front of the museum!”

Back inside the museum someone had called the police of the loud noise and gun fire. A full squad of police was posted outside of the museum all taking cover behind their cars aiming towards the museum. One officer was holding a loud mic and speaking into. “Let the hostages go and no one will get hurt!” The lead commander for the soldier would get the tip of the police then radio into all the soldier. “Keep the police at bay until we get the map then be ready for quick evac!” He would say as they ran after the two thieves.

Hearing the loud noises on the other end Axel would groan in his bed knowing that she was in some type of trouble another part of him really wanted to say fuck it and go back to sleep. : Come on..... Axel just think about it if she dies there will be nothing holding you back.. What do you say? Live a little.: The voice of Lucifer rained inside Axel's head as he just shook his head side to side, //You know your a dick when it comes down to shit like this..You know?// Axel responded back before hearing Lucifer once again : Well I am the Devil after all..: Axel would soon sit up from the bed hanging up the phone as he would soon tear the back of his scanner to where he held the location of Sneuax, once up he began to place on his clothing. Axel is a young man whose most prominent features are his black hair and a red tattoo above his arm which he has had since his making in the black market he dresses himself in elegant yet simple robes; consisting of a long white tunic with black stripes across the edges and on the upper part of the arms, a decorated collar, large straps connected to decorated buckles closing the inducement on the front over a dark shirt, and matching pants and shoes. Placing on his gunlets and picking up his board Sword Axel began to make his way towards her location, he owed her one anyway for having his back at the bar, Axel really didn't even give a shit about a lot of things but respect was one of the things he cared about, as he was on his journey onward to her he would arrive towards what seemed to be an Museum to where he saw what seemed to be an Android fighting away missiles Axel was able to tell from his Magnetic pulse that waved around him, as their where missiles coming towards the Android being Axel would simple raise his hands in attempt to stop the Missiles in mid range due to the metal their where made out of it would be easy for Axel to simple stop them in mid air before aiming to close his hands together to crush the missiles into nothing leaving an high explosion. (

<-- Just like this )If this would happen Axel would walk towardsD D-100 before being on his guard due to him not knowing whats going on " Im looking for a girl that goes by the name Sneaux? " He would await for her response

Sneaux scowled. She knew Axel was here... but... she couldn't wait any longer. She ran after the other thief, but stopped halfway through and went to another exhibit. She quickly did something with her hair, stripped off the destroyed gown,  hid it, then quickly desquised herself as part of the exhibit.

D-100 stopped as her green armor shone in the night from the explosion, floating there for a second her back illuminated by her boosters she blinked registering the new life form that had appeared. Landing back in the crater she turned her head and the grip on her blades tightened. "Unknown threat detected, seeking recommended course of action." The unit uttered to her operator whom quickly responded. "No, D-100 stand down." Her grip loosened on her blades as the purple blades flickered for a few seconds then went out. the panels on the sides of her thighs opened and D-100 returned the blades to the holders.  " Im looking for a girl that goes by the name Sneaux? " he said to her, "Answer him D-100." The unit stared at him with cerulean blue eyes before the gave her answer. "This D-100 unit knows nothing of the name you request." She answered him back simply. "D-100 return inside the museum, they have taken people hostage, and the map is missing. Find it, and kill the thief. Now." D-100 unit then turned her back on Axel not bothering to continue the conversation further. Floating a few inches off the ground the Model H's boosters began emitting purple energy as D-100 too off into the building full speed. Stopping in the main room where everyone was she began to analyze the living creatures in the building, a few bugs, the hostages and for some reason the one of the exhibits. _"D-100, start with that heat signature in the exhibit. So she started with that. Hovering over to it D-100 knocked over the rest of the figures exhibit, she held out her hand to Sneaux and stared unblinkingly at her. "Give me the map. Do not run. Do not resist. You will be killed." The until spoke, everyone must've thought the unit was malfunctioning. If Sneaux didn't respond, or tried to run, D-100 would dash after her at the speed of sound drawing her blades from her legs and attempt to slash at her midsection cutting the girl in half. If she gave D-100 the map D-100 would turn away from her and, while gripping the map. Dash for the front foor at the speed of sound, shattering all the glass in the area, and leaving a sonic boom behind her.

At this time the soldier’s would watch as Sneaux would stop following Izo and head to a different direction. The soldiers followed Sneaux dismissing Izo completely once she stopped and started to change it wouldn’t fast enough as they aimed their rifle’s sights down on Sneaux. “Alright that’s enough running…” The lead commander would look towards Sneaux as she was disguised as one of the exhibits in the museum. “sir the police are about to come in the museum we don’t have much time!” said one of the soldiers.  The lead would smirk from behind his mask. “Fine then…I’ll just take it then.” By then the lead commander would grab the side of his uniform then rip it off completely showing his true body. (

)  He grinned showing all of his teeth and his arms were made from a type of element that was unknown. He was built beyond compare and his aura also gave off a sinister feeling. The men behind him would look at D-100 entering the scene then begin to fire on her. “Commander Anderson it’s the cyborg!” Just then the commander would turn around with his hands glowing a bright purple along with his arms. Just then he would slam his arms down and ground beneath D-100 would open up sending her deep into an underground parking lot just then Jackson would close the top. This made it hard for D-100 to get back up to the surface. Just then Commander Anderson you look back at the girl. “Bring her in I guess we’ll just have to deal with her.” At that time the soldiers would shoot Sneaux with electric shock ammo knocking her out cold then one of the soldiers would pick her up.

Izo would run to the exit then begin to speak. “Just this way.” He would turn around and look at the girl seeing she wasn’t behind him no more. “GOD DAMN IT!” He face palmed himself before he would run back to her. Izo ran all the way back in the main room he would see the man hauling Sneaux away. “Hey!” The commander would turn around looking at the boy then his right arm would begin to glow the same color purple. As he did this he would stretch his arm out with an open palm, just then he would close his palm and the area of the museum Izo was standing would begin to crumble down. All while this was happening the soldiers were getting back on their choppers with the unconscious Sneaux with them. Izo just barely escaped the fall of the debris as he rolled out the way  and sliding an extra four feet. By this time the choppers would be well on their way away from the museum and police vehicles. Izo would be heading towards the back where Axel was standing. Izo barged out looking at Axel. “Who are you?”

By this time the police were breaking in the museum and rounding up the guest. If Axel was paying attention he would notice a half conscious soldier on the ground. Axel could choose to question the soldier on where the remaining helicopters were leading if he so chooses.

 Sneaux knew they would follow her. So, she did a neat old switch trick. She managed to snag anothet map and switch it for the real one. If Axel was as good as she though, he would probably find the miniature pastel yellow paper crane sitting on the exhibit where she had changed clothes. She had just enough time to scribble down the directions to get to the auctual map. If he didn't see it within a minute or so... the paper would have just enough time to react with the oxygen in the air and catch fire. It was her own special paper. She some times used it as a calling card too. Though, the paper she uses for it has a slightly longer time before it combusts. 

Stuck Between a Map and a Hard Place[]

Seeing what seemed to be an Android in front of him Axel shook it off as she walked away she didnt seemed to have the answers he was looking for anyway, he was going to go follow her before he peeped an Heli flying in the distance as he looked to see who was inside he saw her.. Whoever they where they had Sneanax " SNOW!!!!!" He yelled out as he placed his hand out to grip on the Heli thanks to his Magnetic pulse the Heli would at first began to wobble before Axel would feel his power draining " What the.. Whats going on!" Axel yelled before the Heli was now out of his range he could then hear Lucifer inside of him. : Im Sorry Axel that had to be done.. With what you where thinking you would of killed everyone in the Heli including Snow..: " SO YOU LET HER GO!" Axel voiced boomed inside his head. : Yes.. To be honset I dont really care about her... Or you but look at it this way at least you have an hostage to find her...: Axel would look down to the Solider before picking up him he would see another male bust through the door yelling out towards him : Great another one..: Lucifer would say inside Axel head  before Axel would get into his fighting stance looking at Izo " Is it a fight you want?! Cause i've been dying to bust some heads"

D-100 was not expecting the ground to open up behind her and felt her body slip downwards. "Equalibrium will be lost." the unit stated before crashing to the floor below, normally the unit would've just flown back up but as she began to fly back up the floor closed up causing the unit to bump into the ceiling. "Cranial injury sustained..." She said before she crashed onto the roof of a car destroying it. Laying on the top of the car D-100's hand hung off the side as she went to push herself up, blood dripping down from under her helmet. "Massive damage sustained to the Model H, returning to civilian stance, Power at 12%, stasis is necessary." As the model returned to it's 'human form' a small girl with knee length blonde air, cerulean eyes stared blankly up at the spot where she fell. "That hurt.." her soft voice trailed off as she sat up and suddenly got dizzy, holding her head with her hands she rolled off the car and staggered to the stairs. Panting she forced herself to climb the stairs, as she came to the top she narrowed her eyes at the scene her tiny body leaning on the frame of the door. "D-100 Return to HQ now!" She staggered out of the door before her vision blanked out, the tiny blonde crashing to the floor unconscious. The unit overexerted herself on power and was now running exetremely low, she was entering a type of 'hibernation' too keep her body functions running to the barest.

With that Sneaux would be in the back of a helicopter as the men searched her person finding the map after being patted down. One of the soldiers would look at Commander Jackson “Sir what do we do with her?” The commander would look at with a stern look. “We’ll see If the boss has any use of her…” He then turned to the pilot. “Head to headquarters Florida.” And with that the helicopters were off towards Florida with Sneaux. 

Outside with Izo and Axel.

Izo would look towards Axel as he was a picking up one of the soldiers. “Hey imma need that guy so I can get the map back from that girl!” Izo noticed the man beginning to get in a fighting stance. Just then Izo saw a couple of police officers beginning to approach Izo and Axel. “You know what this isn’t a good time.” Izo motioned Axel to come with him helping him pick up the body. Together the two men began running down a couple blocks with the half conscious paramilitary soldier. Izo and Axel would run down city blocks and alley ways trying to escape captivity by the police. “Just around this corner my friend got a place to stay!” Finally making it to an abandoned warehouse Izo would open up a door allowing Axel to toss the soldier in then close the door shut alluding the police. Once the coast was clear the young thief sat the soldier up on a chair tying his arms and legs down to the chair. Izo looked at Axel smirking. “Look we both need each other right now.”

Back at the museum.

Three black SUVs would pull up to the front of the museum. Stepping out would be a man in an all-black trench coat with sun glasses. Out the rest of the vehicles would be men wearing the same attire. “Director Lao what would you have us do with the D-100 cyborg?” The man would look up at his subordinate and lift up an eyebrow. “Bring her in the SUV. I have a feeling Bulrick will be moving fast once he gets a hold of that map.” He would point another man wearing the same clothing. “Stay here and do damage control make sure the guest are self, report in when you’re ready.” The man would lift up D-100 placing her in the same SUV with Director Lao. Two of the trucks would drive off as the last one stayed and spoke with the police and guest.
